Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Weekend update

The weekend was full of things to do and people to meat and visit with. I turned out to be both good and bad.
It was wonderful to see Kate again!! I missed her a lot. She still has that same great energy that is both relaxing and invigorating at the same time. Friday night everyone arrived and we did the whole talking/hottubbing/watching a movie thing. It was Ox, Joe(got there Friday), Troy, Sarah, Angie, Jon, Vlad, Danny, Me, Lil Kate, Jen, David(for a little while), Valerie, and Corry. We all went to bed kinda early, like 1 or so, because we had a big day on Saturday. Kate and I had Joe's bed in the computer room, which was nice. It was nice not to be cramped or to have to worry about being to loud and keeping others awake. We talked for a long time, just catching up on what we had missed.
Saturday was interesting. I did authorize schlagher, it was pretty easy, Aedan did my auth and ended up giving me tips more than anything. Then Dante played his prize. Which was cool, he's a great guy. I was supposed to be his sword jockey and hand him the weapons he needed. But of course Troy took over and took them from me to give to Dante. It's ok though, that's just Troy. The tourney was ok, I didn't do very well. I was having one of those off-days. I couldn't get into any sort of groove. And I was fighting schlagher more than I like to. Susan hit me really hard with her 40incher. It hurt like crazy, but I didn't say anything because I knew if I hurt someone that bad and they told me I would feel horrible. Duke Ragnarr won the whole thing. He's really impressive in that he fought on the heavy field and the rapier field at the same time. He was running back and forth. Corry was there too, I didn't have time to take him around and shoe im stuff. But Djinn was there with Dante and she loves doing stuff like that so they kinda hung out all day. He didn't have much to do though because it was his first event and the only thing really going on was fighting. After court we went to dinner at Grey Wolf, the mongolian barbecue. That was tasty, I ate a lot of food there. Overall it was a good day, I wish Kate had come to the event but 25 bucks was kinda steep for not being a fighter.
That night was awful! For some reason, Troy pressured Gunny and a bunch of other people to come back to the house. I guess he thought everyone was going to want to drink. Well most people went to sleep, including Gunthar who was asleep in his tent when Troy came and pressured him into coming over. All he wanted to do was go to bed so they asked Kate and I if he could take our bed. I said yes very reluctantly. I ended up sleeping with Kate and Briana on the futon. Well Mechior was there too and Susan asked if he could sleep on there too. I said I didn't mind.....MISTAKE!!! I was between Kate and Susan with Melchior on the edge of the futon. I was soooo miserable, I had about 7-8 inches to lay on my side. Kate went to sleep pretty quickly but I was awake. Susan and Mel were making out pretty noisily. And Mel smelled of smoke and whisky which he had partaken in large amounts. I couldn't get comfortable, let alone drowsy. Then I started feeling pain in my hip. It grew and grew and I couldn't get rid of it. After about two hours of this I couldn't take it anymore. I got off of the futon and went to look for a place to sleep. However most of the floor was taken and there were no blankets left. I laid down on the floor but that just made my hip hurt even more. The only way it didn't hurt was sitting down. So I sat in a chair for the rest of the night trying to go to sleep. I couldn't recline it because someone was sleeping at the foot of it. I finally did doze off at about 6 or 7. I woke up and Kate was there with a blanket to put on me. I still didn't make it to sleep though. That is until everyone was up and a bed in the back room opened up. Kate took me back there to sleep and I crashed out pretty hard. She gave me ear plugs that she uses at work and they totally blocked out the world. I slept until about 12 when everyone was getting ready to go back to the event and do melee practice. I couldn't get up, I was to exhausted. Kate came back and napped with me at that point. And I slept better when she was there. I love her! As if I even needed another reason lol. Anyway we woke up around 3 or 4 and went to see Shrek 2 again. It's getting better each time I watch it. It was sort of a blah day which I spent trying to wake up and trying not to be bitter towards Troy for inviting everyone over. Or towards Susan for being kinda rude. Sunday night and Monday was much better. Kate and I got Joe's bed and lots of sleep. Kate and I went out to lunch by ourselves on Monday. And then sort of lounged around, went swimming, played video games. Then it was time to leave. I was really sad to go because I wouldn't see Kate for a long time. And Troy and Sarah maybe for longer. But seeing her was sweeter than I had imagined. And I can't wait to see her again. In fact she's about the only good thing that happend this past weekend. Well that was the weekend. Tuesday really sucked, I'll tell more about that later.


At 6/02/2004 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Love!

I had a good time this weekend too :-D. I was worried you were upset you missed the event Sunday, but you on no sleep with a pointy wepon and two people who had annoyed you the previous night did not sound like a good combination...I know nothing would have really happened, but better safe than sorry, and on a selfish note I was happy because I got to spend more time with you (even if the two of us were sleeping).
I'm glad you authorized, now all you need to do is practice :-D. That stinks that Troy would take over your post and then take over your bedroom that night (even if it wasn't him personally in it) that kind of makes me want to kick him...Oh well...It's not really much use getting worked up over it since it's over anyway. I still think I'll kick him next time I see him. Just because.
I'm sorry you're weekend wasn't as much fun as you'd hoped, but I'm still glad you came up and I hope you had a safe, uneventful trip home. :-) I love you!
In case you're wondering I haven't been emailing because I've been working on some big mess ups at the plant and when we're not working on those Johnny has something to keep me busy. I was chipping out the feeder again yesterday. bah. The other thing is people have been in the office every time I went to check my email and while I can kind of justify replying to an email I can't justify making people wait on me because I randomly want to write one :-(. Oh well, hopefully my phone will be charged up soon and I can call you or I can get away from the plant for a bit and actaully write something. Grr...oh well, enough of this moping.
Why did Tuesday suck?
My folks said I can go to the event in 2 weeks, so it won't be too horribly long until you see everyone again :-).
I love you!
Talk to you soon. Ciao.



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