Debates and Nyquil
Not much has happend the past two days. On Monday Kate was extremley tired from the night before. For some reason she can't sleep very much when Julie is around. Julie only needed to stay one night thankfully. She spent Monday night at Heidi's. I took Kate home early after getting my ass kicked by her once again in pool. I've only won a couple of games against her. I mean really win, I 'win' a good bit when she scratches on the 8 ball. But there's no fun in that, that's like licking the ice cream off the pavement when it falls off of your friends cone. Every now and then I'll put together a string of good shots and then it will be gone and I might as well be using a croquet mallet. Very frustrating. She was exhausted and almost couldn't see straight, but I still couldn't beat her. So she went home earlier than usual, but The was one the phone and talking loudly so she couldn't go to sleep. I think she should have just taken some nyquil and knocked herself out.
Tuesday Kate came in to work, substituting for John here at the office. And it was a lazy day here at the office. The only thing that really happend was the Vice Presidential debate on TV. Taikara, Joe, Kate and I were watching it. We were talking over a lot of it so I missed some. But the genral consensus is that Cheney wiped the floor with Edwards. Edwards looked like a whiny son complaining about his daddy to his Mom. I kept waiting at the end of the debate for Cheney to look at him and just go "who's your daddy?". Taikara and Kate and I agree on most things politically. Joe is a little more liberal, and he hates big corporations. Like Halliburton which Dick Cheney used to work for. He also looks at things like the big business meeting in DC during the run up to the war. What happend there was a lot of corporations got together to discuss what should be done financially if and when Saddam was deposed. It was a very open meeting and it wasn't like they were plotting to take over. Which is what some people believe. But if you think about it, not meeting or discussing it would have been irresponsible. And as it stands Halliburton is making just pennies on what they are doing in Iraq. But all that doesn't matter to some people.
Sorry for the rant. After the debate we went over to Jen and Julies to see Ludwig get fitted for garb. Jen is going to make me a pair of pants that go well with my boots. And they are going to be yellow :D. I don't know if she will get them done before KC so I still have to get a pair of leggings. I've lookat all the stores and nobody has just a black pair of Mens Small lounge pants. I have a pair of black ones but they are faded and they really look faded when I wear them with the boots. I may just have to use those however if I can't find anything else. For some reason last night I was in a weird mood, I was just feeling really harsh towards people in general. I don't know why, but I blasted Ludwig and Chris a few times with some harsh sarcasm. I don't know what was up at all. About midnight I started to get really really tired, I don't know why, I hadn't done anything tiring and I had slept well the night before. So I was really confused, I went home after dropping Kate off and then used Nyquil to go to sleep, not that I really needed the help. But the medicine did keep me from waking up to early to child noises. I feel better today except hungry. I have to find some food before I take my lunch break or else I might keel over. That's all for now. Ciao
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