Not much has been happening this week. Coming down off of the KC weekend everything seems kind of dull. Some reactions on the web were pretty interesting. Dante was kind of pissed that he wasn't on the Champions team. He said that he was tired of all the sweetness between the two teams. He didn't do much of a good job of hiding the biterness though. Not a big deal though, there will be plenty of champions teams for Dante to be on.
I left my pillow up at Troy's of course. But I'm having trouble sleeping. I don't know if the pillow has anything to do with it, but I'm waking up more tired than when I went to bed. I think I just need to start getting to bed before three in the morning. Heh. I've said that before.
Kate is going to be gone this weekend to shooting camp. It's the first weekend in a while that we haven't had something planned. And now that I think about it it's the last one for a while. So I guess I should enjoy it and relax. It would be cool to go up to Ox's or Troy's to chill. But there's really no reason to go other than to do nothing with them. That's one of the things I miss about Troy being around here; being able to just hang out with him. I don't really have anyone around here that I can just hang out with. Pretty pathetic.
I do want to go see the new movie by Mat Parker and Trey Stone. It's got guns and puppets, and Michael Moore blows up. What more do you need. I might call up Ludwig to go see it, but he isn't much for just hanging out with.
I do have some shopping to do, I need to get a cover for my phone. I need to pick up the new TSO CD. And a sweatshirt that I can use as a jacket.
I'll write again if anything interesting happens. Ciao.
Jeremy's Blog
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