Sleepy sleepy rainy day. Oh well it hasn't put me in a bad mood or anything. Yesterday was pretty cool, I got some good sleep and it was really hard to wake up. I had to have lunch with my parents, they for some reason were acting really needy for attention. Oh well. I didn't have that big of a lunch and I had decided to try a sort of Ramen soup ripoff lo mein deal for dinner. Well needless to say it wasn't verry filling. Kate came over to work after her class and again after she went for tutoring. She is really obsessed with rocks and geology. But it's in a good way, she enjoys it to a point and is clearly facinated by it. And I know she will be good at it when she gets a job in that field. She was telling me yesterday that the homework she did on some kind of mineral chart was the envy of the class, and that she had to go home and IM her sources to almost the whole class. This made me exceptionally proud of her, it's wonderful to see her excelling at something she enjoys. After I got off from work she took me over to the Express for some food. I wasn't expecting it to be very good but I found a hawaiian pizza that was awesome. It could have been that I was just starving but I don't think so. After that we went to take the movies back to Crossroads. We need to be better at getting them back on time. We also should start finding things to do besides watching movies every night. But not right away I like watching movies. Besides we haven't seen all of them yet. Last night though we watched the Punisher. Or we kinda did, we went up onto her bunk and curled up there. By this point we were both kind of tired and she had to get up early. A little way into the movie, she started whispering in my a really naughty way!! She hasn't done that much very often before and it was a total turn on. I just wish her roommate hadn't been there, it could have gotten really really fun. The movie itself was really horrible, well I guess generic would be a better word. Nothing special, at all, period. Just a revenge flick of a guy going postal on the people who killed his family. It had nothing that made the comic book great. And I was dozing off a little during the movie. I feel like an ass about that now, if I had been thinking instead of sleeping I would have turned off the movie and let Kate sleep. Anyway it was nice to watch her sleep, I enjoy that too.
I called Troy last night to talk about some things. And I found out why Jen is being so weird about practice and being a marshal. It's just something she needs to get over, and she needs to stop making her goal to be 'better than Mark'. That's not fun and it won't be any fun any time soon. Also I found out somethings about the Troy and Valerie situation. They have come clean with each other and aren't mad anymore. But the thing that disturbed me was the role that Vlad played in all of this. He told Valerie that Troy was sleeping with Angie before they broke up. This was not an acurate statement of the time frame. And the fact that he told her isn't what bothers me. It's the fact that he went around telling Sarah, Rachel, and Felina that he "let it slip". He even told Troy that he 'let it slip', but when I talked to Valerie and Troy talked to her she said that he told her outright. In fact told her in the "I just thought you should know" vein. Valerie told me that he said that and she was really upset and that after they talked Vlad gave her a backrub to make her feel better. Excuse me....but that really strikes me as a bad and selfish way to go about it. I don't want to think that Vlad was gunning for Valerie. But at the same time that is exactly the kind of thing that he pulled with Sarah. Anyway it doesn't matter very much to me, Vlad is taking a break from SCA anyway so I won't be seeing him all that much. And he didn't technically do anything to me directly. But I still probably won't be going over to his house to use the hottub anytime soon.
Tonight we're going to watch Almost Famous, one of my favorite modern movies. I think Kate will like it, but if she's sleepy and sick then I'll tuck her into bed and make her drink NyQuil. I wish that I had a place of my own where I could put her in bed and look after her. Someday soon I hope.
Jeremy's Blog
My journal blog.
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