It's time for another update in my life. Not much has happend actually, which might be a good thing. I think I needed a relaxing weekend. Of course it might not have been a good thing because I spent a good bit of money. I bought two CD's, Auctung Baby by U2(used but plays fine), and the new TSO CD. I also got a sweatshirt, contact solution, a pair of jeans. I called Ludwig and we went to see Team America World Police. The new movie from the creators of South Park. I enjoyed myself imensely in that movie. Paris got blown up and Michael Morre became a suicide bomber. It also had some great satire aimed directly at the big boys in Hollywood. The biggest targets were actors turned activists in Hollywood like Sean Penn and Alec Baldwin. But I enjoyed the spoofing of Jerry Bruckheimer more than anything I think. You'll just have to watch it. After that we went to Applebees because Ludwig had never been there before. After dinner I thought about going home but Ludwig wanted to do something else so we went to Squires. We played ping-pong for a while which was cool. I hadn't played in a long time, and neither had he. But I beat him pretty easily. I could probably be really good at ping-pong if I practiced a lot. But I dont' have anyone to practice with and no reason to be extra good at it. The most fun I've had playing ping-pong was when we used to have about 10 people playing round robin style. That was a wild time. After we were done with ping-pong we played pool for a while. We both did pretty badly at first but then got into it and started getting better. It was a fun time, very relaxing, Ludwig is fun to goof off with.
On Saturday I thought about getting up and going to an event in NC. But when my alarm went off I was just too tired. I knew Briana was in town but I didn't know what she was doing. I got online and started chatting with Troy and Jen. Jen said that Briana would be gone all day at some band thing. Then Julie got online and asked if I wanted to have lunch with her and Jen. So I met them at Subway in C'burg because there was no way I was going to try to find somewhere to park in Blacksburg while the football game was going on. So we met at subway and had lunch, then we went over to the mall to look for haloween costumes. No cat costumes yet except for the playboy style corset deal. I also got cappucino at the coffee kiosk. I could end up spending a lot of money there......ahem. Then they went home and I went to Wal-mart to get Michelle a birthday present. She's at that age where she's really cute and small, but also deceptively intelligent. It's the period where parents have orgams just talking about the child. Thankfully Mom and Dad have gotten over that. The birthday party was ok, the pork chops were nice. And Betsy was there without Lurch so nothing was strained. After the party I took iGor in to work to get him updated. I was waiting to hear from Julie or Bri. They were out bar hopping and were supposed to call me. I waited around for a while and then decided to try and find them. I went to Sharkey's, then the Cellar, then Rivermill, then Hokie House, then they called and said they were at Sharkey's. I must have missed them somehow. Anyway I didn't even have to get carded to get back in I just showed the bouncer the stamp on my hand. By the time I found them Mel had shown up, and Bri was.....happy. Julie and I played pool with Bri's old friends from the band for a while. Then we went to Kroger for beer and snacks before going back to Jen and Julie's. I had called Ludwig to order pizza and he got there right as we were pulling up. Then we just sat around and ate pizza and talked about stuff. About everything really. Lots of laughter happend. Bri's Aunt was there as well, she seems pretty cool if a little bit eccentric. Mel is really cool, I wish he wasn't leaving in a couple of weeks.
On Sunday I was really tired for some reason. I don't know why, I think I need to start getting more sleep during the week. I don't think I've slept well in a couple of months. But anyway I started slow on Sunday but I was looking forward to having Mel and Bri at practice. But it didn't happen, for some reason I seemed to have backslidden in my fighting. My hand started hurting when I picked up a shlager and I was slow when I fought epee. It might have been that most of the people I fought epee did lunge/retreat as their only attack. I could have chased them around the field because they wouldn't get close enough to hit me. Next week we are playing the tree game first then drilling, then doing melee's. Actually it probably will be two weeks before we can do these things because we're having a sort of joint practice with Isenfir. And no "joint practice" does not hav anything to do with drugs. It's going to be interesting for me because I think I'm going to Pilgrims Progress in the Richmond area. So I'll go to Richmond on Friday, event on Saturday, then back to Charlotesville on Sunday before coming home. I better get an oil change. Anyway practice was kind of a drag because I wanted to learn some things too. I thought since Mel and Bri were there that they would take charge and be the authority's. But nothing really happend, I guess Bri and Mel were tired or something. I probably should have taken some inititive to get things organized. But I didn't really....I guess I kinda felt....intimidated might be the word. I guess I'll just have to run the practices how I want to and the visiting celebrities can just help as they see fit. Geez that sounds arrogant, but practice was a real bummer. After practice we went to Bogens. Bad descison. They stuck us in the upper room and the service was really bad. Then they added tips and service charges to our checks. We are going to Rivermill from now on I think. The Baron prefers it so I can use that argument. Kate and her Dad actually joined us for dinner and her Dad got to talk to Mel and Aongus about the SCA. And he seemed to have a good time. Then Kate went to the tutoring center and I went with Bri, Mel, Jen, Julie and Thomas to the coffee shop. I had some americano which was nice. But I was kinda wired after that. We ended up over at Jen and Julies watching Office Space when Kate was done with her homework. Well I was watching it, everyone else fell asleep.
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