Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Long Post

Well it's been a while since I've blogged here or at fedora-pundit. On Thursday I got a phone message from a guy who works for FandR in Richmond. Brianna gave my resume to her boss and he gave it to the IT guy. He talked to me for a while and then asked if I wanted to come for an interview on Friday. I said sure no problem and he told me he would email me directions. I got all nervous and didn't know what to do. I had to rearrange my plans for the weekend. Instead of daytripping the event on Saturday I would go up on Friday and spend the night at Ox's. Then hit the event on Saturday. I got up early on Friday because I couldn't sleep. I found a good suit, actually the one I wore for the wedding. He still hadn't sent me the email at around 9 so I called him. He appologized and gave me verbal directions. Traffic was surprisingly high driving up there, lots of trucks. On Afton mountain a truck decided to change lanes right on top of me, I had to jam the breaks and pull partly into the median. Pretty scary. I found the place no problem, I only had to double back once because he gave me the wrong road name. But I figured it out by comparing his directions to the ones from MSN maps. Around the time I started coming in to Richmond proper the battery light on my car lit up and my windshield wipers started to slow down. And the car started to run really really ragged. I thought that the alternator had gone out, not good news but I had enough battery juice to get to FandR. The interview went ok, I really liked the guy I would be working with. I don't know that I am exactly what they are looking for....but it wouldn't take me long to become that. When the interview was over I asked him for the name of a car place that I could take my car to get it looked at. He called a place that one of the secrataries husbands works for and they said to bring it over. He wrote down directions and I took it over. It turns out that it wasn't the alternator, it was the belt that comes off the crankshaft and powers the air conditioner and the alternator was gone. But what was even worse was the reason it was gone, one of the tensioners was messed up, bent sideways. They guy typed everything into the computer to see how much it would cost. The computer said that it would be $230 for parts and labor. And worse it would take 2 and a half hours to fix. It was almost 4 at this point and I really didn't expect them to stay past five just for me. But they said they would see what they could do. Long story short they got it fixed in an hour thank goodness. Because I didn't want to call and see if Ox could come pick me up, that would have sucked for both of us. Thankfully they got it done in an hour, they still charged me full price for the laber though. It kinda sucked having to pay that much this close to Christmas. But that's what I have a savings account for. It's not very big mind you. It's kind of depressing that I struggle to keep a net worth above $1k. On one hand I enjoy my life as it is now, but on the other I don't want that to mean that I have lost motivation to succeed. I am not working a full time job and I'm not working in my career field. Those are two things I need to correct. Last year I sort of made a new years resolution to fix those things....but nothing has happend. Maybe I'm just too lazy about it. Something to think about. Anyway I finally got to Ox's around 7. He was playing a game with Nick and Danny online. They quit shortly after I got there. We talked for a while and then watched Hellboy. That could have been a great movie if not for one thing: Hellboy didn't act like a hero. Basically all he did was get kicked around by the monsters. Yeah he has a stone hand and he can jump really high. But it seemed almost an accident when he killed the bad guys. In the end he killed the monster/villain thing by getting eaten by it and then setting off grenades inside it. Pretty lame. Anyway as we were watching Brianna showed up she was in good spirits, better than I would have been after a 6 hour car drive. I got a phone call a little bit after that from Julie, she said that she was coming with Jen up for the event. I told her to go find Kate and make her come but they had already left, I was sad. It would have been nice to have Kate around after such a long day. We went to bed pretty early, around midnight. Julie and I had the beds in the back room and stayed up talking for a little while then hit the hay. The event was a pretty cool one. Our team of "Do not Emulate Us" consisting of Dante, Kenji and I wont the tourney. As a team we fought 22bouts and we each lost only one. I didn't really have any difficult fights. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Dante handled the provosts and Kenji and I would take the lower two fighters. I owned Belpheobe, and Cat(the Queen's Champion), which were my two most notable fights. It was fun to just hang around with Dante and Celric. Who by the way got his Sea Dragon and AoA at the second court. He's been waiting 12 years for that, or any kind of recognition for that matter. It was nice to win again, I'm getting spoiled I've won something in the last 5 events I've attended. I still think I have a little anonymity though. Maybe I should change outfits. After court was over Bri, Jen, Julie, Antonio and I went to a local country resturant. It was some really good food. Down home cooking is great when you are exhausted. Only one problem was that it made me sleepy. Not a good thing when you are driving for three hours. I decided to pretend like my car was still broken and not go home. I went over to Kate's instead and spent the night with her. We needed some time together. I had to take two breaks on the road so I didn't fall asleep at the wheel. I made it back and Kate and I crashed. The and her ugly boyfriend were in the room but I'm used to sleeping with noise. I woke up the next morning and I was really really sore. I was supposed to call Antonio for practice but I didn't feel like and it was freaking cold out. Monday I was supposed to hear something about the job so I worke steadily and tried not to think about it. I got a call saying that they were going to slow the proccess down because the manager had the flu. And that I might have to come back for a second interview or something. That's not good news, it means they probably have found someone that is truly qualified instead of me who would take longer go learn the ropes. Who knows. Tuesday Kate and I went on a mini date. We got chinese food, and went Christmas shopping. I want to get my Dad something special because he gave me some money to help me for Christmas. I don't like that he felt it was needed, but I can't turn down his generosity. So it was sort of bittersweet. I'll get him and Mom something nice. And maybe something extra for John. John gave me a pair of Harley Davidson gloves to use while fencing. I still need to call him and thank him. They are really really comfortable, and they look awesome. Tomorrow we're having a going away thing with Kate. They are going to cook oriental food, I might steal some venison from the freezer and bring that to use instead of beef, couldn't hurt. Kate said she wants to dress nice.....and then she said she wanted to wear the wings from halloween. That's kind of strange but it's not like I need to understand anyway. Well that's all for now, hopefully I won't go so long between posts again. Hopefully.


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