Thursday, December 02, 2004


Today has been a pretty good day. I was up late last night(4 am) working on a piece for Fedora-Pundit. I wish I could write faster. I'll just have to work on it. But I did manage to get some good sleep thanks to the new body pillow I bought. It was only 9 bucks. I'm still working on the best way to sleep on it, but I did manage to get more comfortable than I have been in a while. But obviously since I was sleeping well I didn't get up as early as I have been(9 am). I turned the alarm off and went right back to sleep. I woke up when Dad came in to talk to me. He gave me some great news. Even though I still owe him $300 on my car, he's going to make this month my last payment. I was still pretty groggy, but that's a great way to wake up. I love my parents sometimes. Although I don't know if I'm going to let them do this. I will probably pay off the rest of the cost of the car. Talking about the car reminded me that I had to go to the DMV. The registration on my car ran November. Good thing I remembered because the last thing I want to do after Mom and Dad help me out with my car is do something irresponsible with it. I was expecting to be at the DMV for at least a half an hour. So I had something to read and a 24oz Pepsi(best cola in the world)and was ready to wait. Well everyone has to go through an initial line where they tell you what paperwork you need to fill out. Then they call your number like in a deli, and you go up and they actually do the work you need them to do. Well it took 14 minutes to get through the paperwork line. I only needed to sign and date one form. But as I sat down to do it they called my number before I could get the date written. I went up to the counter finished it, paid my money and left. Whole thing took about 16 minutes. I was blown away. I have never spent less that 45minutes in there. I had time to run through the thrift store, grab a cool black polyester shirt. Then I went to Rugged Warehouse and got Daniel some jeans for Christmas. Apparently he has such big legs that jeans that actually fit him are very tight in the thighs. So I found a good pair of baggy loose fitters that are tough enought take some punishment. I also figured out what to get Kate for Christmas. It's something that she can enjoy with me, or her other friends. I just have to go back after work and get it.

I found this today. New Female Sex Drug Raises Safety Concerns. So in addition to having the contraceptive patch, and the quit smoking patch. We are going to have a horny female patch! Greaaaaaaat! I'm going to start a list of people who should never be allowed to wear that patch. Any ideas for starters?


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