Well it's officially the Holiday season! I could almost say Chirstmas season because it seems to come earlier every year. But that's ok....I like the Christmas season. But next week is thanksgiving. It will be an interesting week. I only work on Monday and I go to Richmond on Tuesday, coming back Wednesday. On Thursday we have the annual Turkey Bowl at church. I wasn't sure if it would be held this year but it is. So Dad, Me, Ryan, Daniel and David will probably head over there at 10. Then come back for Thanksgiving dinner. I don't know if we'll play much football once we get home but there's always the chance. Dad is going to come play also, which kind of worries me. The last couple of times that we've played football with him he's gotten hurt. It's flag football so it shouldn't be that bad. But I don't know if I trust him not to over extend himself.
On Friday was Kate's last day here. We were supposed to have a nice long night. She wanted to model my boots for me which I thought would be awesome. We played around a little early in the evening, something we haven't had much of a chance to do this semester. Maybe it will improve next semester. Then we went and saw the Incredibles again. And I am happy to report that the movie was just as good the second time. That's a must buy when it hits DVD. Then we went to Shakers for dinner. It was good food and Kate was in a good mood and very good company. While we were there we saw in the TV a brawl that was taking place at an NBA game. After dinner we went to Squires to play some pool. But they were closing early because of the break...bastards. We settled for playing a guitar game that was reminicient of DDR. I completely sucked at it. I couldn't wait for the chords to come up, I kept playing them to soon. And I ran in to the problem that I had when I try to play piano, I have trouble doing different things with different hands. We then went back to Kate's dorm, she went to the bathroom while I turned on the tv to see what the deal was with that brawl. It turned out that the brawl was one of the worst brawls in US sports. It involved the crowd in what could legitimatly be called a riot. One of the guys was suspended for the season, another guy got a 30 game suspension, and someone else got 25 games. I started to watch another game while Kate finished her book. Kate finished her book at about halftime, I was ready to go upstairs if she wanted too. But she said that I could watch some more of the game and she layed down on the couch using me as a pillow. I was only going to watch til the end of the third quarter but she went to sleep and looked so peaceful. A couple of times I almost got her up and took her upstairs. But she was REALLY asleep. She got up and went to the bathroom and came back and fell just as deeply asleep. I let the game end and I couldn't decide wether or not to get her up. In the end I just let her sleep. When I finally checked the clock it was almost 3. And I needed to go home. She said it was all right and that she had some good sleep. But I still kinda felt like a bad boyfriend considering that it was our last night for a while.
She called me today and she said that she had a good time. I posted the Iowahawk satire on my livejournal to see what the reaction would be. And sure enough it was pretty rude. Little Jon commented on my blog even though he said that he wouldn't anymore. And I replied to him and surprisingly Corry responded. I knew Corry was a pretty liberal guy from some of the comments he'd made on the trip to an SCA event this past summer. But I had no idea he was this much of a moonbat. He believes all the silly accounts of the election being stolen by Bush. Then he compared Conservatives to Nazi's calling the Nazi's "not all bad". I was pretty shocked. And stupid me, I told Kate about it when she called. I was just so shocked I didn't think about the fact that Corry had helped her with her math and stuff. I felt like an idiot when I hung up. But all should be better when we go to the kick ass concert on Tuesday. She still souned tired, I hope she gets a chance to rest a lot this week. Well I'm going over to see Bri now. She's in town to meet with profs about coming back next semester. We'll probably watch Ed Wood which I haven't seen in a long time so that will be cool. I need a good shot of Tim Burton, Jonny Dep and Randy Eldelman.
Jeremy's Blog
My journal blog.
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