I was late to work today. I got up at 11 and took a lazy shower and shave(nice close shave). Dad had gone to town so we didn't get coffee like he wanted to. They had venison steak for lunch so I stayed around for that. Mom was happy that I stayed. She really wants to be my friend. At least I think that's what she wants. But I don't really want her as a friend. I want her to be my mom. I don't need to be mothered anymore, I'm almost 24. But I do love her and don't mind her caring about me but she needs to chill out and not force the issue every time she sees me. Anyway I went to B&N and read a few things. I read a cool article about U2 and their next album which I will probably buy. For some reason I thought it was Thursday and I forgot that I had to be at work at 2 instead of 3. I remembered at 1:50 while I was sitting in Starbucks. I was only ten minutes late becuase of traffic and having my stuff all spread out on my table.
I got to work and had a nice conversation wtih Ludwig. It turns out that I still might be able to get the job over at the NOC. But he said something that kinda pissed me off. He said that Sam thought that I didn't do anything and mentioned that Taikara and I were never busy just and just sit around surfing. I admit that I do my share of surfing, but I also do stuff with the website for Joe. I set up web pages for the encoding ad hoc events. I update the instructor computers from my desk. Taikara and Nancy are the only ones who do the surfing and game playing. I guess I'm going to have to look busy all the time. I thought I was doing a good job of it, but apparently not. I went over to the Math Emporium to do some inventory suff for Joe, and I was able to talk to Sam and get take some monitors over for Sam. So maybe that will help. I'm also looking at a lot of the IP stuff for Ludwig. Maybe I'll be able to ask Sam about that too, I'm sure he'll be able to tell me everything I could need to know.
Mom finally got the internet changed from Wal-Mart and it should work fine on my Mac downstairs. I can't wait to get home and try it. It's been a long time since I've been looking forward to going home. But I'll be able to blog from there and I'll be able to work on my website. I can't decide how high tech I want to make the website. I think I've settled on a name too. I'm not going to tell yet in case I want to change my mind. Any suggestions would be welcome. Well that's all for now, I'll blog from my Mac tonight...just because hehe.
Jeremy's Blog
My journal blog.
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