Thursday, August 05, 2004

Funny and not funny

First some funnies. I was emailed this list of poems today. It is a chain letter thing and has probably been around but I thought it was funny.

*Jack and Jill went up the hill to have a lil fun

stupid Jill frogot the pill now they have a lil son


her father shot it dead

now it goes to school with her,

between two hunks of bread

*LITTLE MISSS MUFFETsat on a tuffet

her clothes all tattered n torn

it wasnt the spider that crept up beside her

but Little Boy Blue and his horn

*SIMPLE SIMON met a pie man going to the fair

simple simon said to the pie man "What have u got there"

said the pie man unto Simon "PIES U IDIOT!"

*HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE the cat took a piddle

all over the bedside clock,

the little dog laughed to see such fun

then died of electric shock

*HUMPTY DUMPTY sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

all the kings 'horses

and all the kings' men

had scrambled eggs for breakfast again

*GEORGIE PORGY pudding and pie

kissed the girl;s and made them cry

and when the boys came out to play,

he kissed them too cause he was gay

*there was a little girl who had a cute little curl

right in the middle of her forehead

when she was good she was very very good

but when she was bad she got a fur coat, jewels, a waterfront condo,

and a sports car

Well I thought they were funny at least. Also today I heard something about a plant that only blooms once every long while and is supposed to smell like a rotten corpse. Aparently we have one of them here on campus and it is in bloom. What's even more disturbing is that people were lining up to smell it. Umm does anyone else think this is weird? Here it is though and it's gotten local 6 o'clock news coverage. One last funny thing that happend today. We had to look up something in the dictionary today, I don't even remember what we were looking up originally, but we came across the word "farkleberry"!!! I think there might be something fundamentally wrong with having a word like that in our language. To me it sounds like a combination of words.....but I won't go into that. I could use it as an insult though; "you farklberry". Or if someone was gay I could call them by the other name for this plant "sparkleberry". Well the Dodgers are continuing to do well. Jose Lima got another win last night which is cool. Taikara and I had the TV on when the story came on about his win. And I pulled the baseball out of my bag and showed it to her. Even though she isn't a baseball fan she was like "no way". It was awesome hehe. Thanks again for the ball Kate.
And now for the not so good stuff of the day. One of the feelings I hate the most is frustration. Now before you go and get all dirty with that comment let me explain. It's not sexual frustration, it's that frustrated feeling of helplesness when you can't control a situation. Some examples would be last spring semester when a lot of my friends were having trouble with their school work coming up on exams. I wanted to help them I wanted to teach them and explain things to them but I didn't know the first thing about what they were studying. And last night when I was talking to Kate, her shoulder was hurting from bending awkwardly in the truck all day. I wanted nothing more than to give her a nice backrub and make her feel better. I couldn't though, I am three and a half hours away. The worst came when I went over to Julie's house and she was distraught since her friend Kat from SC had been missing since last Friday. I didn't know what to say then because I didn't know her or the situation. And I didn't know what to say this morning when she told me they had found the body(Kat's) . I don't know what to do or what to say. The only thing I can think of to say is that she's been through so much this year that it can only get better. First she broke up with Godfroy, then she lost her job, then went crazy over Assessment, then Rupert committed suicide, and now this. I don't know what I would do. I can only pray for her at this point and be there if she needs me.
So as not to end on a downer note let me just say Rock On Charlie, don't let them get you with their corrupt PC bs!


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