Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's been almost a week since I've updated here on this blog. I appologize, I guess I just haven't felt much like writing, or when I did feel like it I didn't have the time. I had an interesting weekend that was fairly enjoyable.

On Thursday I got up early and dropped my car off at Wal-Mart to get the oil changed and tires rotated. I walked over to the mall to get a haircut. I got it at Head Hunters instead of The Cut. It came out ok, a little shorter than I usually like it but not bad. I got a hamburger at the little Italian place and walked over to the coffee kiosk to eat it. I know I know you shouldn't get a hamburger at an Italian place. But it was a cheesburger with peppers and oinions. So it was kind of like a poor mans cheese steak. Ha! I truly am my mothers son. Anyway I drank an Americano and then walked back to wally world to get my car. It wasn't done yet. They couldn't get the tires to balance. It turns out I needed a replacement tire on the left front. Bam! There goes 50 bucks. Oh well I guess it's better than haveing a blowout or letting it damage my axel somehow. There are lots of things in this world to brag about. Hell you can brag about how little you brag. And when you are in advertising it is basically your job to brag convincingly enough to get people to buy your product. When I was walking through Sears out of the mall I saw a sign on a rack of hand towels and wash rags "Sears knows towls!" Never thought I'd see anyone bragging about things like that.

I went to Pilgrims Progress with Dante over the weekend. The second weekend in a row that Kate and I spent apart. I went up on Friday after not getting enough sleep on Thursday. So I went to work, went home after saying goodbye to Kate, and took a nap. I fell asleep meaning to just take a small nap......and woke up two hours later. I guess it's good that I did that, I should listen to what my body tells me to do more than I do. I got to Dante's new apartment around 10pm I think. It's hard to remember what time it was. We talked about any and everything rapier until it was late. I slept on the couch which was very comfortable. However I didn't manage to sleep very much. I think it was because I was cold. I finally got into deep sleep around 5 and then Dante got up around 7:40. But that's just cause he's psycho. We went to the event which was about 45 minutes away. We got there and it was a small event. There were between 8 and 9 fencers depending on if a couple of people were suited up in rapier or heavy gear. Dante and I were on opposite teams. We each had a free scholar, an average fighter, and a completely clueless newbie. So the teams were incredibly divided. They ran a scenario where the "Pirates" were on a boat and had to storm the town and capture the "golden hay bale" which represented booty. The "gangplank" to get off the boat was very narrow, only allowing on or two people to walk through it at a time. That created a bottleneck that was really hard to get through. Because they could stick four people up there and have no less than 5 blades focused on a spot where only one or two people could stand. It was difficult to get out of the boat but we did manage to take the bale once. They went in 15 minute rounds stopping every 5 minutes to see who had control of the bale. The first time they stopped it nobody was near the bale. We ended up doing 3 15 minute rounds. It was rough. Dante's team ended up winning but it came right down to the last 5 minute segment. After that we did a few pickups before heading home. We had to leave early because Gin wanted Dante home to play host to her friends she had coming over. Dinner was great, Gin's friends were a little boring but Dante and I managed to entertain ourselves. That night I slept really well, I guess I was just tired. 45 minutes of melee battles tend to kick you in the butt a little.

On Sunday it was hard for me to wake up. Dante actually got up early and started grading papers. I got up around 11 and couldn't shake off a sleepiness headache. I moped around a little trying to wake up, but then Dante kicked me out so he could do more grading. He's really enjoying being a teacher I think. He is amazed that kids don't know anything about anything. I drove most of the way home listening to U2. I got an energy drink and that killed my headache and kind of woke me up. I stopped at the Wal-Mart in Waynesboro to get some pain medicine. Dante didn't have any and I was hurting from Saturday. I got home pretty early and surprised Kate. Acutally I called her from outside her dorm and pretended to be on the road. Then went up and knocked on her door. We hung out a bit and then met Thomas and Julie over at BW3's to watch baseball. Kate almost got in trouble when she took over someone's pool table. What happend was that she put quarters on the table while that dickhead bartender who works there was playing with his buddy(he was off duty). Apparently she didn't know that when you put quarters on the pool table you are essentially challenging the winner to a game of doubles. So he walked off to get a beer and she and Julie jumped on the table and started playing a game of singles. He gets back and starts making a ruckuss. I swear Kate is going to get herself in trouble one of these days. I would expect better from Julie, she's been in bars before. I would have thought she would have known. Oh well.

Yesterday was kind of a blah day. I slept in a good bit. Made chicken for lunches. Kate came and hung out in the office after bringing me dinner. We went over to Julies house to retrieve movies, while we were there Kate took a shower. We went back to Kates dorm and her computer refused to let us watch the rest of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. We'll probably try to watch the rest of that tonight. Maybe. Kate is taking a nap and it could be a long one. She's been out for 2.5 hours. We'll see.


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