I think I need a laptop. I run around a lot on the weekends, so these updates are killers. I'm just going to keep this one pretty short. Friday was probably the highlight surprisingly enough. Despite Amber being in town and Kate going off to join her at Rocky. That brought a flood of pain and bad memories back that kind of lingered over the whole weekend for me. But Friday we had a practice on the drill field which was good. I didn't feel like teaching as much as I should have so we just had fun. We had a bearpit to warm up. Then we fought some more, and then we played the tree game. The tree game is where one person stands with their foot against a tree and can't move that foot. They get 10 'lives', if they pull their foot away from the tree then they loose a life. If they hit their opponent then they get a life back. I was playing this game with them because Thomas and David really need the practice. Almost all of their fighting is done from out of range, lunging in range and then back out of range. This seems to be their only attack sometimes. I've gotten sick of bending my blade double on them because they are out of control. So we played this game where they had to stay by the tree. It's a very very different fight when you can't back out of range. And I love it!!! It actually seems like a real fight. I can use the quickness of my hands to punish people. I killed Ludwig, Jen, David, and Thomas 10 lives each. And then did Thomas again and got halfway through David before I ran out of gas. I guess the advantage really is for the guy who's not against the tree. So this coming Sunday I will play again and be on the tree myself first. After that we went to eat at More Than Cofee. It was a fun dinner, it was nice not to be the outnumbered gender in the group. In the middle of dinner Kate left to go to Rocky :(. She almost took Julie with her, but Julie stayed and hung around with us. Ludwig, Thomas, Julie and I went and played pool until late. Then I went to the office to burn CD's for the trip on Saturday while waiting for Kate to call me and tell me that she was done. I wanted to leave pretty early so as not to miss much. But when the alarm went off Kate was still sleeping soundly and seemed exhausted. So we rolled over and slept until noon. We got up to Ox's around 4:30ish. The party was really tame this year. Kate's costume looked wonderful. She had a lot of fun with the bullwhip. Julie looked nice. Sarah was dressed as one of the mimes from Cirque de Soleil and honestly she looked pretty weird. I drank more alchohol that night than any other night that I have been drinking. And honestly I didn't feel anything. Not even tipsy. People seemed to like my costume once I put it on. I had to wait for Sarah to get there so she could draw a cat face on me. When I walked downstairs after getting dressed people yelled at me to do a lap dance for Big Kate. Apparently Thomas was attempting to give a lap dance before I came downstairs and....was failing. I did a dance to the Ghostbusters song and ended by taking of my hat and running the feathers across Kate's cheek. It was fun. Sunday was really relaxed. We went to Ihop and the bookstore then headed for home. We stopped in Salem to get gas and ran over a bolt or something so we had to change a tire. Tomorrow I have to go and get a new tire probably. Gaah more money that I have to spend. I spent a lot of money over the weekend for food and gas and such. So overal it was a pretty tame expensive weekend. But it's over now, I have another paycheck and Amber is gone.
The election is tomorrow. Part of me will be sad because I enjoyed the discourse on the blogsphere. But on the other hand I think that I will be happy when all of the vitriol boils off. And it'll be fun to see half the East Village commit suicide if Bush wins. But seriously it's been pretty bad this time around(short article).
Jeremy's Blog
My journal blog.
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