Jeremy's Blog
My journal blog.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Why We Invaded Iraq
Worth Remembering...
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
Madeline Albright, Feb. 18, 1998
"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb. 18, 1998
"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D,CA), Dec. 16, 1998
"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999
"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has invigorated his weapons
programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue at a pace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of an illicit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
Letter to President Bush, Signed by Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL,) and others, Dec . 5, 2001
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical
weapons throughout his country."
Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27,2002
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10,2002
"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years. We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002
Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal,
murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real"
Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA),Jan.23. 2003
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Well I guess I should update again. I've been using this blog to mostly store articles that I've liked and don't want to forget. Easter weekend was cool. I spent most of it with Kate and her parents. She has cool parents and I really like hanging out with them. And they took us shooting which was really fun. I wish my eyes were better or that I had better contacts. I didn't shoot very well. Though Kate said I did, but I still think she was trying to make me feel better. That was sweet and I love her for it. She's a damn nice shot herself although she's to modest to admit it. We didn't do anything much as a family except eat a dinner. Which was ok I took a nice long nap. They wanted me to stay home and watch Dock with them. Dad keeps gushing about how good the acting is and how great the plot and drama is. I've watched like three episodes and I can say that the acting is generic and nothing to write home about and the writing is second rate and relies completely on emotional manipulation.
This weekend should be a blast. We're going to Maryland for an SCA event and to do some hottubbing. I'll get to see all my friends up there and do some fencing too. I also want to see Kill Bill with the people up there. Scott is causing Kate drama again. He wrote her a letter appologizing to her. Because he must have done something to make her upset if she hasn't talked to him in so long. She's explained things to him many times about being busy and not having much time to talk. And besides she's over 500 miles away and he shouldn't expecter her to be able to put so much energy in their friendship. I think the fact that he had a crush on her and she didn't have a crush on him may be magnifying the situation in his mind. She likes him as a friend and he's not dealing with that very well I don't think. But I also think that he has much deeper issues that he needs to deal with. And while he does he doesn't need to be dropping drama on Lil Kate. Especially when she's under so much pressure from school and work etc.
Kate and I are doing wonderful. It's hard though when she's under so much stress. With her leg and her school work. I probably would have cracked a few times by now. On one hand I can't wait for the semester to be over so she won't have so much work to do. But she will also be going home...... I don't want her to do that. It may be selfish but I have never been happier in my love life and she is a great friend to boot. Oh well, I'm sure that I will be able to visit her a good bit this summer. And she said her parents might want to take us camping which acording to them should be fun. I'm still not sure about camping.......
More later