Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's been almost a week since I've updated here on this blog. I appologize, I guess I just haven't felt much like writing, or when I did feel like it I didn't have the time. I had an interesting weekend that was fairly enjoyable.

On Thursday I got up early and dropped my car off at Wal-Mart to get the oil changed and tires rotated. I walked over to the mall to get a haircut. I got it at Head Hunters instead of The Cut. It came out ok, a little shorter than I usually like it but not bad. I got a hamburger at the little Italian place and walked over to the coffee kiosk to eat it. I know I know you shouldn't get a hamburger at an Italian place. But it was a cheesburger with peppers and oinions. So it was kind of like a poor mans cheese steak. Ha! I truly am my mothers son. Anyway I drank an Americano and then walked back to wally world to get my car. It wasn't done yet. They couldn't get the tires to balance. It turns out I needed a replacement tire on the left front. Bam! There goes 50 bucks. Oh well I guess it's better than haveing a blowout or letting it damage my axel somehow. There are lots of things in this world to brag about. Hell you can brag about how little you brag. And when you are in advertising it is basically your job to brag convincingly enough to get people to buy your product. When I was walking through Sears out of the mall I saw a sign on a rack of hand towels and wash rags "Sears knows towls!" Never thought I'd see anyone bragging about things like that.

I went to Pilgrims Progress with Dante over the weekend. The second weekend in a row that Kate and I spent apart. I went up on Friday after not getting enough sleep on Thursday. So I went to work, went home after saying goodbye to Kate, and took a nap. I fell asleep meaning to just take a small nap......and woke up two hours later. I guess it's good that I did that, I should listen to what my body tells me to do more than I do. I got to Dante's new apartment around 10pm I think. It's hard to remember what time it was. We talked about any and everything rapier until it was late. I slept on the couch which was very comfortable. However I didn't manage to sleep very much. I think it was because I was cold. I finally got into deep sleep around 5 and then Dante got up around 7:40. But that's just cause he's psycho. We went to the event which was about 45 minutes away. We got there and it was a small event. There were between 8 and 9 fencers depending on if a couple of people were suited up in rapier or heavy gear. Dante and I were on opposite teams. We each had a free scholar, an average fighter, and a completely clueless newbie. So the teams were incredibly divided. They ran a scenario where the "Pirates" were on a boat and had to storm the town and capture the "golden hay bale" which represented booty. The "gangplank" to get off the boat was very narrow, only allowing on or two people to walk through it at a time. That created a bottleneck that was really hard to get through. Because they could stick four people up there and have no less than 5 blades focused on a spot where only one or two people could stand. It was difficult to get out of the boat but we did manage to take the bale once. They went in 15 minute rounds stopping every 5 minutes to see who had control of the bale. The first time they stopped it nobody was near the bale. We ended up doing 3 15 minute rounds. It was rough. Dante's team ended up winning but it came right down to the last 5 minute segment. After that we did a few pickups before heading home. We had to leave early because Gin wanted Dante home to play host to her friends she had coming over. Dinner was great, Gin's friends were a little boring but Dante and I managed to entertain ourselves. That night I slept really well, I guess I was just tired. 45 minutes of melee battles tend to kick you in the butt a little.

On Sunday it was hard for me to wake up. Dante actually got up early and started grading papers. I got up around 11 and couldn't shake off a sleepiness headache. I moped around a little trying to wake up, but then Dante kicked me out so he could do more grading. He's really enjoying being a teacher I think. He is amazed that kids don't know anything about anything. I drove most of the way home listening to U2. I got an energy drink and that killed my headache and kind of woke me up. I stopped at the Wal-Mart in Waynesboro to get some pain medicine. Dante didn't have any and I was hurting from Saturday. I got home pretty early and surprised Kate. Acutally I called her from outside her dorm and pretended to be on the road. Then went up and knocked on her door. We hung out a bit and then met Thomas and Julie over at BW3's to watch baseball. Kate almost got in trouble when she took over someone's pool table. What happend was that she put quarters on the table while that dickhead bartender who works there was playing with his buddy(he was off duty). Apparently she didn't know that when you put quarters on the pool table you are essentially challenging the winner to a game of doubles. So he walked off to get a beer and she and Julie jumped on the table and started playing a game of singles. He gets back and starts making a ruckuss. I swear Kate is going to get herself in trouble one of these days. I would expect better from Julie, she's been in bars before. I would have thought she would have known. Oh well.

Yesterday was kind of a blah day. I slept in a good bit. Made chicken for lunches. Kate came and hung out in the office after bringing me dinner. We went over to Julies house to retrieve movies, while we were there Kate took a shower. We went back to Kates dorm and her computer refused to let us watch the rest of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. We'll probably try to watch the rest of that tonight. Maybe. Kate is taking a nap and it could be a long one. She's been out for 2.5 hours. We'll see.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

sleepy day

Today I was going to sleep in as much as possible in case the reason I felt so blah was from not enough sleep. Turns out I was right. I woke up at 10 like normal and rolled over until I woke up more or my alarm went off at 12. Well I went back to sleep and had some really weird dreams, where I did some things that I would never do in real life. Cheating on girlfriend and taking a bong hit etc. It was really weird. When I woke up again it was 1:20.....ten minutes before I had to leave. I grabbed jeans and a gap shirt that I haven't worn in years before hitting the road. I wasn't really late to work I don't think but I might have been. I didn't look at the clock when I got here. I actually had a productive day here at work. I figured out more about how the webservers work here at VBS and might be able to help Candle more in the future which would greatly increase my standing around here. Candle tends to be very outspoken and he can put in many good words for me.

I feel much better than I did yesterday, it might be because of the extra sleep I dont' know. But I feel much better today. I'm not going out with Kate tonight because she has homework to do :(. I'll probably stay here and work on some web design stuff. I need to hit up Scott to get some web space to post some stuff of my own. I think I'll send that email now. There it's sent. I want to put my resume/portfolio up. I might even move my blog over there.

Tomorrow I'm going to be super productive. At least I hope to be. I'm going to get an oil change at Wal-Mart. And while it's getting changed I will walk over to the mall and get my hair cut. I like it short and streamlined. But Kate and Julie like it longer so that they can run their hands through it. It's good to know that I've acended to the status of stuffed animal/fuzzy pet in their eyes. But they will just have to deal when I get it cut because I'm the one who has to live with it. I'll also be able to visit the cool coffee kiosk in the mall again! Maybe I should cut back....naw! Nobody wants to deal with me going through coffee withdrawl.

The Red Sox just might do it. At the time of this writing it is the 8th inning with the score 9-3 in favor of Boston. If the Red Sox win they will be the first team in the history of baseball that has come back from a 3-0 deficit in a Division Series. I'm rooting for the Red Sox because I don't think the Yankees have played good enough this year to win. Their expensive lineup has gotten them this far, not the quality baseball that usually gets them this far. Also in baseball news, Jim Edmonds hit a homerun in the 11th inning of the NLCS to force a game seven for that series too. Jim Edmonds is one of my favorite players. I hope the Cardinals win, seeing as I predicted that they would eventually win the World Series.

This weekend looks really confusing. We were supposed to have a joint practice with us in BD and Isenfir. But I haven't heard anything about it since Sunday. I am going to Richmond to attend Pilgrims Progress this weekend because it's a melee tourney. So if they are going to have practice in Charlotesville I want to attend on Sunday. I also want to arrage rides for people here in Blacksburg especially David and Ludwig....and Kate if she can swing it. But I haven't heard anything from Raven or anybody. Grrr I'm going crazy over this.

That's all for now, I'll post again tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


It's time for another update in my life. Not much has happend actually, which might be a good thing. I think I needed a relaxing weekend. Of course it might not have been a good thing because I spent a good bit of money. I bought two CD's, Auctung Baby by U2(used but plays fine), and the new TSO CD. I also got a sweatshirt, contact solution, a pair of jeans. I called Ludwig and we went to see Team America World Police. The new movie from the creators of South Park. I enjoyed myself imensely in that movie. Paris got blown up and Michael Morre became a suicide bomber. It also had some great satire aimed directly at the big boys in Hollywood. The biggest targets were actors turned activists in Hollywood like Sean Penn and Alec Baldwin. But I enjoyed the spoofing of Jerry Bruckheimer more than anything I think. You'll just have to watch it. After that we went to Applebees because Ludwig had never been there before. After dinner I thought about going home but Ludwig wanted to do something else so we went to Squires. We played ping-pong for a while which was cool. I hadn't played in a long time, and neither had he. But I beat him pretty easily. I could probably be really good at ping-pong if I practiced a lot. But I dont' have anyone to practice with and no reason to be extra good at it. The most fun I've had playing ping-pong was when we used to have about 10 people playing round robin style. That was a wild time. After we were done with ping-pong we played pool for a while. We both did pretty badly at first but then got into it and started getting better. It was a fun time, very relaxing, Ludwig is fun to goof off with.

On Saturday I thought about getting up and going to an event in NC. But when my alarm went off I was just too tired. I knew Briana was in town but I didn't know what she was doing. I got online and started chatting with Troy and Jen. Jen said that Briana would be gone all day at some band thing. Then Julie got online and asked if I wanted to have lunch with her and Jen. So I met them at Subway in C'burg because there was no way I was going to try to find somewhere to park in Blacksburg while the football game was going on. So we met at subway and had lunch, then we went over to the mall to look for haloween costumes. No cat costumes yet except for the playboy style corset deal. I also got cappucino at the coffee kiosk. I could end up spending a lot of money there......ahem. Then they went home and I went to Wal-mart to get Michelle a birthday present. She's at that age where she's really cute and small, but also deceptively intelligent. It's the period where parents have orgams just talking about the child. Thankfully Mom and Dad have gotten over that. The birthday party was ok, the pork chops were nice. And Betsy was there without Lurch so nothing was strained. After the party I took iGor in to work to get him updated. I was waiting to hear from Julie or Bri. They were out bar hopping and were supposed to call me. I waited around for a while and then decided to try and find them. I went to Sharkey's, then the Cellar, then Rivermill, then Hokie House, then they called and said they were at Sharkey's. I must have missed them somehow. Anyway I didn't even have to get carded to get back in I just showed the bouncer the stamp on my hand. By the time I found them Mel had shown up, and Bri was.....happy. Julie and I played pool with Bri's old friends from the band for a while. Then we went to Kroger for beer and snacks before going back to Jen and Julie's. I had called Ludwig to order pizza and he got there right as we were pulling up. Then we just sat around and ate pizza and talked about stuff. About everything really. Lots of laughter happend. Bri's Aunt was there as well, she seems pretty cool if a little bit eccentric. Mel is really cool, I wish he wasn't leaving in a couple of weeks.

On Sunday I was really tired for some reason. I don't know why, I think I need to start getting more sleep during the week. I don't think I've slept well in a couple of months. But anyway I started slow on Sunday but I was looking forward to having Mel and Bri at practice. But it didn't happen, for some reason I seemed to have backslidden in my fighting. My hand started hurting when I picked up a shlager and I was slow when I fought epee. It might have been that most of the people I fought epee did lunge/retreat as their only attack. I could have chased them around the field because they wouldn't get close enough to hit me. Next week we are playing the tree game first then drilling, then doing melee's. Actually it probably will be two weeks before we can do these things because we're having a sort of joint practice with Isenfir. And no "joint practice" does not hav anything to do with drugs. It's going to be interesting for me because I think I'm going to Pilgrims Progress in the Richmond area. So I'll go to Richmond on Friday, event on Saturday, then back to Charlotesville on Sunday before coming home. I better get an oil change. Anyway practice was kind of a drag because I wanted to learn some things too. I thought since Mel and Bri were there that they would take charge and be the authority's. But nothing really happend, I guess Bri and Mel were tired or something. I probably should have taken some inititive to get things organized. But I didn't really....I guess I kinda felt....intimidated might be the word. I guess I'll just have to run the practices how I want to and the visiting celebrities can just help as they see fit. Geez that sounds arrogant, but practice was a real bummer. After practice we went to Bogens. Bad descison. They stuck us in the upper room and the service was really bad. Then they added tips and service charges to our checks. We are going to Rivermill from now on I think. The Baron prefers it so I can use that argument. Kate and her Dad actually joined us for dinner and her Dad got to talk to Mel and Aongus about the SCA. And he seemed to have a good time. Then Kate went to the tutoring center and I went with Bri, Mel, Jen, Julie and Thomas to the coffee shop. I had some americano which was nice. But I was kinda wired after that. We ended up over at Jen and Julies watching Office Space when Kate was done with her homework. Well I was watching it, everyone else fell asleep.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Not much has been happening this week. Coming down off of the KC weekend everything seems kind of dull. Some reactions on the web were pretty interesting. Dante was kind of pissed that he wasn't on the Champions team. He said that he was tired of all the sweetness between the two teams. He didn't do much of a good job of hiding the biterness though. Not a big deal though, there will be plenty of champions teams for Dante to be on.

I left my pillow up at Troy's of course. But I'm having trouble sleeping. I don't know if the pillow has anything to do with it, but I'm waking up more tired than when I went to bed. I think I just need to start getting to bed before three in the morning. Heh. I've said that before.

Kate is going to be gone this weekend to shooting camp. It's the first weekend in a while that we haven't had something planned. And now that I think about it it's the last one for a while. So I guess I should enjoy it and relax. It would be cool to go up to Ox's or Troy's to chill. But there's really no reason to go other than to do nothing with them. That's one of the things I miss about Troy being around here; being able to just hang out with him. I don't really have anyone around here that I can just hang out with. Pretty pathetic.

I do want to go see the new movie by Mat Parker and Trey Stone. It's got guns and puppets, and Michael Moore blows up. What more do you need. I might call up Ludwig to go see it, but he isn't much for just hanging out with.

I do have some shopping to do, I need to get a cover for my phone. I need to pick up the new TSO CD. And a sweatshirt that I can use as a jacket.

I'll write again if anything interesting happens. Ciao.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Weekend Update

Sorry for not posting an update yesterday. I was still kind of recovering from the weekend. It was an awesome weekend. One of the best in a long time. I'll just go day by day through it and hope I don't miss anything.

Friday I had to scramble to get everything packed and ready for Kingdom Crusades. I had to work at 9 that morning so I had to get everything ready to go before I left in addition to showering and shaving. Work was ok, I got a good bit done and organized some things. Even though I didn't have any classes to set up I still felt pretty productive. I was going to take Colin up to KC along with Kate, Ludwig and I. But he remembered that he had something to do and couldn't go. He will be attending Games Tourney and practices if he can swing it. So we could leave as soon as Kate got off from work, which would be a little after 3. I went to Target and got some things for the trip, some pants in case Jen didn't finish the yellow ones(she didn't so they came in handy). Contact solution, pain medicine and some hand warmer thingies in case we were out in the cold on Saturday night. I thought about going to Kate's room to take a rest but decided there wasn't time. I picked her up and took her to the bank before meeting Ludwig out by the interstate. He was excited to go and we talked about a lot of things on the way up to Maryland. We made good time, only stopping once for a bathroom break and got there in 4 and a half hours. That's the fastest I've ever made it up there I think.

We got there and I introduced Ludwig to everyone, including Ros and Gaston. After we kind of settled down we put in the movie Shaun of the Dead. A British comedy that was sort of like Office Space meets Night of the Living Dead. It was incredibly hilarious, I will have to review it if I have the time tomorrow. We went to bed pretty early, before midnight I think. I was completely exhausted from driving and not sleeping the night before. Normally I sleep better with Kate in the bed but not this time unfortunatly. We slept in the back room bunk bed. Ludwig was underneath us on the bottom bunk. I slept fitfully, and spent most of the morning hours trying to go back to sleep.

I got up fairly early I think, it was around 8:30 but I can't really remember. I had a doubleshot to wake me up. We all got our garb on, Ludwig looked good in his. And Kate had barrowed a bodice and skirt from Julie looked really cool. Ros and Gaston left really early because Gaston was in charge of the melees and had to pick up something at wal-mart to use as flags. I'll get to those in a minute. My boots felt pretty good when I put the garters on them. They looked pretty cool too, I got a few compliments on them during the day. We stopped for breakfast at a rest stop on the way. It was a really big rest stop and we got plenty of stares in our garb. The funny thing was that we got very little reaction out of them. Most of the people just looked away. Normally we get fairly open stares. We got to the event at about the same time as Dante and Celric. We checked in ok and got set up at the rapier field and I started introducing Ludwig to people. As near as I could tell he was getting along ok. Kate went to do waterbearing and it's a good thing she did because they were short on people. She is really getting into the water-bearing thing. And I guess it's pretty gratifying for her to hear the compliments from heavy fighters that she badgers to drink. She always talks for a long time about all the people she meets, and calls herself the "water nazi".

I took Ludwig with me to watch me get inspected so he would know what to expect. Chris Cunning did my inspection and he failed my stick because there were splinters on it. So I had to go put tape on it before he would pass. So my stick looked like a shiny blue cane of some kind oh well it still worked which was what I was happy about. We did the melees first. They had a ton of hay bales set up to be a town. On one side there was a ship with two gang plank entrances. On the other side of the field there was an outline of a church with two doors. Between them were about six "buildings" set up, three on each side with a path down the middle. Each building had one flag and one door. The flag was a cool little set up that was made of a 2x4 and rope. On the 2x4 were two eyes with a rope looped through them. Attached to the rope were two pices of cloth. One was blue and white for Atlantia, the other was purple and gold for the East Kingdom. You could pull the rope through the eyes to bring your flag to the top. To "take" a building you had to enter the building and pull your flag above the other teams flag. For the first melee one team started in the town, owning all of the buildings and the other team had to start on the ship and take over the town. Then we would switch. We attacked first, and I had a team of Black Diamonders to defend the ship. It was pretty boring at first because they didn't get near the ship much. And we had two guns with four shots each. So when they actually did get three people back near us I mad a brilliant tactical desicion and told Magpie to "shoot that guy"! Boom! Dead, problems solved. After a while they switched us out and let us go fight in the main battle. We took all but about two flags each time they called hold. It was a great scenario. About halfway into it people started hitting hard and they had to stop a few times because people got hurt. The Atlantian fencers were really kicking butt, I got on a couple of runs where I felt untouchable. And Melchior told me that he was on fire too. Ludwig was watching fom the top of the hill and he had a pretty good view of what was going on. One cool thing that happend to me was that I got behind the EK main line and came up and joined them facing my own team. They thought I was on their team so I got right up beside one guy and then killed him. The next guy in line didn't pay attention so I worked my way up to him, tapped his shoulder and then killed him. I went all the way down the line and killed five people that way. And we took back a building, it was awesome. The melees were 20 minutes each. Which is a really long time to do a melee. Everyone was a little bushed by the time they were done. In the middle of the second melee Kate came over to me and was in tears because one of the Tuchks has spit water on her. He was trying to hit his friend but missed and hit Kate. I was really pissed and if I hadn't been in the middle of the battle I would have done something about it. But she went back and the leader "Beast" got one of his people to beat the crap out of the guy that spit on her, and then gave her a necklace to make her feel better.

After the melees we all took a nice break. Everyone was milling around and talking about the fights they'd had. I had a couple of people come up and talk to me about some different fights. I got to make some new friends. And Ludwig got to hear everyone talking about what was happening. I searched out Pascual because I didn't see him at all during the fight. Then it was time for the Champions battle. Where each side picked 9 fighters and pitted them against each other. Connor and Nataliia were the warlords and had worked out beforehand who would fight who. I was picked as one of the Champions along with people like Marcellus, Robert, Aedan, Kinji and Ihsan. It was a real honor. I was Connors representative as his "brother" fighting against Nataliia's cadet. A guy named Jacob. I had been talking some smack with Nataliia on the listserv and so we were having a good time making fun of each other. So when I fought her cadet I was goofing off a little. Skipping around being bouncy. One bad thing about Kate doing waterbearing is that she rarely sees me fight anymore, but that's ok she used to get really bored waiting for me to fight. Anyway I managed to leg Jacob pretty easily, and as he was sinking down to his knees I turned to the crowd and said "Now he really looks like Nataliia" refering to her diminuative stature. That got a huge laugh from the crowd and Nataliia chased me around the field for a little while. It was all in good fun, and it was a ton of fun. I then killed Jacob fairly easily because I was completly hyped at that point. Lots of people came and shook my hand. Costanca gave me a hug before running off to a class. After the Champions battle which they won 6-3, we did some random melee stuff and pickups. I actually managed to get a fight with Connor in. It was kind of scary how much we fight alike now.

After wandering around the vendors a little and loading stuff up in the car, we went to court to see Kenji get his Sea Dragon award. He really deserves it, I think at least. There was talk about him being the next Free Scholar for a while. But that seems to have died out, maybe to introverted or something I don't know. And Connor can't tell me either. I think he would make a great Free Scholar. But it's not up to me, I don't even get a vote lol. At this point I don't know who the next one would be, I can only speculate. We snuck out after Atlantian court was over. And when I say snuck I mean we started to leave and a lot of people followed us, negating our sneakiness. We were going to go to a resturaunt and then come back to site for partying. But we were all exhausted and by the time we actually got sitting down at Olive Garden there was no way were going anywhere but home(Troy's house).

That night we were all really bushed. Troy was as tired as I've ever seen him. He kept nodding off in the middle of the conversation. Kate was dead from running around giving water to people. Even Ludwig was tired. We went to bed but I had messed up my hamstring again and couldn't sleep for more than about a half an hour at a time.

We purposly didn't set any alarms and didn't check any clocks so we didn't know what time it was when we got up. We ended up getting up around noon, which was later than we had planned but we really didn't care. We loaded up the car and went to lunch. I had a nice big hamburger that was really tasty. I purposly sat at a different table than Kate and Scott to give them some time. We left straight from the resturant at about 2:30. And we made pretty good time. Ludwig really enjoyed his first event but will enjoy it even more when he can fight. Which should happen in a couple of weeks if I can get him away from Dominos to go to an event again. All in all a great weekend. I would have liked to have spent more time with Kate but hey you can't have everything.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Debates and Nyquil

Not much has happend the past two days. On Monday Kate was extremley tired from the night before. For some reason she can't sleep very much when Julie is around. Julie only needed to stay one night thankfully. She spent Monday night at Heidi's. I took Kate home early after getting my ass kicked by her once again in pool. I've only won a couple of games against her. I mean really win, I 'win' a good bit when she scratches on the 8 ball. But there's no fun in that, that's like licking the ice cream off the pavement when it falls off of your friends cone. Every now and then I'll put together a string of good shots and then it will be gone and I might as well be using a croquet mallet. Very frustrating. She was exhausted and almost couldn't see straight, but I still couldn't beat her. So she went home earlier than usual, but The was one the phone and talking loudly so she couldn't go to sleep. I think she should have just taken some nyquil and knocked herself out.

Tuesday Kate came in to work, substituting for John here at the office. And it was a lazy day here at the office. The only thing that really happend was the Vice Presidential debate on TV. Taikara, Joe, Kate and I were watching it. We were talking over a lot of it so I missed some. But the genral consensus is that Cheney wiped the floor with Edwards. Edwards looked like a whiny son complaining about his daddy to his Mom. I kept waiting at the end of the debate for Cheney to look at him and just go "who's your daddy?". Taikara and Kate and I agree on most things politically. Joe is a little more liberal, and he hates big corporations. Like Halliburton which Dick Cheney used to work for. He also looks at things like the big business meeting in DC during the run up to the war. What happend there was a lot of corporations got together to discuss what should be done financially if and when Saddam was deposed. It was a very open meeting and it wasn't like they were plotting to take over. Which is what some people believe. But if you think about it, not meeting or discussing it would have been irresponsible. And as it stands Halliburton is making just pennies on what they are doing in Iraq. But all that doesn't matter to some people.

Sorry for the rant. After the debate we went over to Jen and Julies to see Ludwig get fitted for garb. Jen is going to make me a pair of pants that go well with my boots. And they are going to be yellow :D. I don't know if she will get them done before KC so I still have to get a pair of leggings. I've lookat all the stores and nobody has just a black pair of Mens Small lounge pants. I have a pair of black ones but they are faded and they really look faded when I wear them with the boots. I may just have to use those however if I can't find anything else. For some reason last night I was in a weird mood, I was just feeling really harsh towards people in general. I don't know why, but I blasted Ludwig and Chris a few times with some harsh sarcasm. I don't know what was up at all. About midnight I started to get really really tired, I don't know why, I hadn't done anything tiring and I had slept well the night before. So I was really confused, I went home after dropping Kate off and then used Nyquil to go to sleep, not that I really needed the help. But the medicine did keep me from waking up to early to child noises. I feel better today except hungry. I have to find some food before I take my lunch break or else I might keel over. That's all for now. Ciao

Monday, October 04, 2004


I'm sorry I didn't post at all last week. There's no excuse I guess. I was having kind of an off week and didn't really feel like writing. So if I actually had written about what was going on it would have been boring. Just about every day I tossed and turned until about 6am. And after 6 I would pass out for some really deep sleep. Which sucks because between 9, when I normally get up, and 12:30 when I leave for work is when I do most of the responsible adult type of things. And for some reason that's what I felt like doing last week. I felt like being an adult, I cleaned off my desk at work and made it look nice(I took Yoda home, he now sits beside Kermit under the Jet Li poster). I spent some time working on budgeting my finances. Also any sort of childishness I encountered last week seemed to grate on me more than usual. Some people probably thought I was being grumpy or something. But everyone has times when they don't feel like being silly or entertaining right? Maybe it's just me. I also didn't feel very........cuddly or huggy maybe is a better word.I don't know, I hope I didn't piss off Kate to much. I know Julie noticed a little, but she has other things on her mind.

I got my new boots for SCA stuff on Tuesday. They are huge though, the picture on the website shows them coming up to the man's knees. But they come halfway up my hip!! They look really silly when I wear my baggy pants. So I'll end up wearing some sort of tighter leggings until I can get either tights or britches that are more period. Jen said she saw a nice patern and would make a pair for me. I need to go find some nice yellow material for her to use. HEHE! I would like to wear yellow pants, but that would attract a lot of attention. I still don't know if I like attracting attention. It's nice when I have a good fight. But I don't do it for accolades, and I desparatley want to keep it that way. The sharks tooth/AOA thing was awesome because it was unnexpected. And the other two tourney's have been cool because there was very very little fanfare when I won. KC will be cool because there will be melee's to fight in. It's been a long time since I've been in a good melee.

On Thursday Kate and I went to see Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow. She really liked it, and I did too. It didn't loose it's appeal on the second viewing. And she jumped almost as much as Julie did when the creepy guy appeared on camera. She didn't screem though, which was good because my ear was a lot closer to her. On Friday Kate and I went to the Chinese buffet after she got off from work. That was pretty cool because I hadn't eaten all day. After that we went to Barnes and Noble so she could buy some Manga or something. She actually read them there at the store before she bought them. I picked up a book called Intellectual Morons which was facinating. In just the first chapter it explained some of the origins of the twisted leftist social structure that I experience here at the University. I will probably end up buying the thing, I guess I better do it online so I don't pay $25 for it.

On Saturday I didn't see Kate at all. The first time that's happend probably since she got back. Nancy had asked me if I could work for ESPN on the football game. I got a media parking permit and a press pass to get in the gate. I got up early on Saturday because I had to go to music rehearsal at church. For some reason early on Saturday is a good time to sing. I don't think I could get my voice warmed up before noon on a Saturday morning. But maybe that's why I'm not a singer. Anyway I got there and got a nice compliment, Shad likes the way I run the sound board better than the other guys. He thinks they are too timid and run the sound to quiet to minimize mistakes. I couldn't stay for the whole thing because I had to be at the stadium at 10:30. I got there and found the place where I was supposed to be. It was really cool how all the official people who normally boss you around totally ignored me when I had the press pass on. I could have gotten away with murder. But instead I was in an ESPN production truck with the tape editor guys. My job was to write down the timecode for each play and describe what happend during each one. I have horrible hand writing but I think I did ok. I was even able to help some of the editors when they needed to know some things about the "burg or fans here. There had to be millions(literally) of dollars worth of equipment in that truck, it was truly amazing. I got to watch the game on about 8 different monitors, one for each camera. They can zoom around like crazy and I could hear the director talking to them in addition to the anouncers. It really was cool. After the game I filled out paperwork and then went home, we were having a cookout and football game at my house. When I got there Dan, Mike and Aleck were there and we had a nice game going. But towards the end the Benito's came over to play too and the field was just to crowded to do much. I should have just had my team run the ball more, that would keep everyone involved. We finished the game and had barbecued chicken for dinner. After that I was really tired because I had been up since 8:30 that morning. I know I know that's not early for some people. But if I worked a normal schedule like everyone else that would be about the equivilant to 5am. Mr. Benito has a high end digital projector so we hooked our dvd player up to it and projected Star Wars against the side of the house. It was pretty cool to see. Dan had never seen it before so it was almost nesseccary. After it was over and everyone went home I was really tired but couldn't fall asleep. It was really frustrating, I thought about taking some NyQuil but I didn't. I have a hard time waking up after I take NyQuil.

On Sunday I picked Kate up and we went to Church. It was pretty cool to bring her to church, and the sermon actually had a good application to it. That along with the book I read were great insights into the postmodernist mind. Eeeeew that sentence just sounded way to intellectual, but yes I did write it don't worry. Sunday there was no practice because Jen decided to go to the war practice in NOVA. I was kinda pissed because it's the last chance I'll have to fight before Crusades and I wanted to sharpen up a little. She tried to call me on Saturday but I was at home so I didn't get the call. And she made a joke about me having rust on my sword that grated a little. The biggest beef I have with her is this: She doesn't hardly do any fighting at practice around here, she won't help with the new people or anything. So when she gives the excuse for not holding practice as "there being cool people up here to play with" it's kind of insulting. I shouldn't be insulted I guess, afterall it's good for her to fight lots of different people. However that's one of the things that I really really didn't like about Godfroy. He started spending less and less time fighting and working with new people. And started talking A LOT with scarves and important people. It does seem that she's kind of reaching for some recognition, through emails and name dropping. But it could just be my imagination. I'll talk to Connor tonight when I call him. I need to talk about KC, Raven, and fighting around here in Blacksburg. And I just need a guy to talk to I think. No offense to all my lovely female friends.But I do need some guy friendship every now and then. Speaking of guy friendship, Julie's friendship with Chris has gotten her in trouble. Andrea completley blew up at her last night and Julie is confused as to why. It turns out that Andrea thinks that Julie wouldn't be good for Chris or vice versa. So when they had a talk and Julie said that she didn't want to do anything except hang out, Andrea thought she meant that she would stay away from him. Meanwhile Julie being the extremely friendly person she is has been haning out a lot with Chris. And Andrea hasn't said anything to her until last nights blow up. I'm still trying to sort it all out and I'll probably call Jen tonight to see what's going on. But Julie spent the night with Kate last night, and if I know her she'll probably blame herself. Damn, I am really going to need some guy friends pretty soon lol. Speaking of guy troubles, Taikara finally broke up with her boyfriend. They are in the process of getting separate apartments. It was a lot more cordial than I thought it would be. And aparently Taikara is sleeping better and as a result has been in much better moods.

Today I came in early to help with a etownhall webcast meeting type thing. We filmed people in the studio and broadcasted it out onto the web. And the people took phone calls and email from the over 60 people watching the broadcast in hi def. It was pretty cool. Candle put a lot of work into it so I'm glad there was no problems. Also today we found out that Heckert was fired. Or that he's not working at the bridge anymore. Which opens the door for me to go over to the bridge. I don't know how soon it will happen but I'm reading over their procedures up there and I'm updating my resume. Hopefully I can get up there soon. The hours wouldn't be any better but I'd be able to have a salary and get my own place. I wasn't expecting this to come for another couple of months. But here's hoping that I can get over there.

Well that's all for now, I'll try to be more consistent on this thing. Especially with all that's going on. Ciao!